Certeo's Experiences With Live Chat
We sit down with Miss Julia Fritz, officer of Business Development for Certeo , to talk about the experience with live chat support on their website.
Founded in 2009, Certeo is an online supplier of office equipment. On the website you can buy office desks, tables, chairs, transport equipment, dustbins, transport wagons… Basically all you could possibly need for your office! From the beginning, Certeo’s strategy has been to offer its products fast, secure, and with the highest quality. This strategy has made them successful in Germany , Austria , Switzerland , and France . In selling furniture, they soon realized that personal advice plays a key role in making the sale. Miss Fritz: “The first step was to give a very prominent place to our phone number on the website. We thought live chat was the logical next step to make the barrier to contact even lower and to be able to offer personal advice to more people on the website.”
“We were thinking about live chat because we wanted to be able to answer customer questions in a faster and easier fashion. After a short search we found the chat tool Userlike . The software from the relatively young company immediately convinced us because of its ease of use and fast implementation.
"Because of this it only took us a few weeks before we could test the chat on our system for the first time. For a moment we felt a bit of the excitement that Ray Tomlinson must have felt when sending out the first Email over the internet, when the first ‘Hallo?’ from a visitor came in over the chat.

"Now this tone goes off continuously during the day, every time a visitor contacts us over the chat. The visitor only needs to click the chat button, which we chose to make custom to have it better fit our shop’s style. Next to that we offer the chat proactively when a visitor is on the site for a long time. Typical questions we get are 'Do you have ventilators in your assortment?' or 'Are the armrests on this office chair adjustable?'
Miss Fritz: “Live chat has worked out great for our company. We believe the excellent contact that we’ve always had with our customers is one of the main factors of our success. With all the positive talks we have with our visitors, sitting behind the chat is a real pleasure for our service team.”