24 GIFs for any Customer Service Scenario
Making people happy and solving their issues can be a pretty rewarding affair. At the same time, customer service is also the art of biting one’s tongue.
When the mundanities and obstacles of life at the front line stir you up – we feel ya. As a reminder that you’re not alone in this and that it’s all actually quite funny, here’s our prime selection of customer service GIFs.
When you’ve delivered perfect service and the customer gives you a ⅘ star rating

When you notice you and a customer have been talking past each other for half an hour

When your team has collectively solved a customer’s issue

When you don’t know the answer

When no one in your team knows the answer either

When you have to tell the customer no

When a customer leaves a glowing service review

When a customer needs help checking out their order

When a customer asks for help with a refund

When a customer wants you to bend security protocol for them

When a customer demands your manager who’ll tell them exactly what you told them

When a customer asks you how you manage to stay so cheery

When a customer asks for a feature/product that has no chance of being added

When a customer makes a spot-on feature request

When you don’t understand a customer’s frustration

When a rude customer points out that “the customer is king”

When a customer returns every half hour to ask for status updates

When your servers are down, your IT’s breaking a sweat and angry customers storm your support channels

When that one unsatisfiable customer returns

When you’re waiting for a customer to rate your service

When a customer makes a bad joke

When you make a good joke

When you’re forced to use a customer service script

When you hire a chatbot to do a person’s job