Google Drive Live Chat Integration
Userlike offers an integration with the world’s largest cloud storage and sharing platform, Google Drive . Google Drive allows people and companies to upload, create and/or share all kinds of files. Now you can easily send your Userlike chat documentation to your Drive.
Google Drive lets you store files of any format or size. Like other cloud systems it synchronises automatically with all your other devices. However, here is the edge: Google drive allows you to edit and track reviews and changes from each document. It allows you to add different layers of ownership and edit permissions and even to restore a previous version of a certain file.

Integrating Userlike with your Google Drive account lets you automatically or manually send your chat transcripts and offline messages directly to Drive. An easier way to keep track of pending or closed issues, under your own organisation preferences and accessible at any time.
When you finish the quick setup process, you are ready to send your files into Drive. To send a current chat into your Google Drive, you only need to click on the button “Addons” from the Chat Panel and choose “Google Drive”. If you prefer to use textual commands, or in case you are using an external IM client, you can always type $googledrive.
In case you are looking to send an offline message or a past chat transcript into your Google Drive, simply go to your Message Dashboard, select the desired interaction, click on the button “Create Ticket” and select the option “Create Google Drive File”. For further info on the setup process you are welcome to take a look at our dedicated tutorial .