16 Great Customer Service Videos – Laugh, Learn, Lead.
There are plenty of great customer service videos out there. It's a recurring topic for Hollywood comedies and sitcoms, with relatable scenes that have plenty of educational value for service reps.
But there's also a wide range of training videos, as well as experts and leaders sharing their views. We've collected the best 16 videos of the following categories.
- Funny customer service videos
- Training videos
- Inspiring leaders on customer service
Funny customer service videos
Meet the Parents – At the Airport
I love the Meet the Parents movies, and this specific scene is a perfect exaggeration of how some companies rigidly hold on to their policies and protocols.
Love Actually – The Necklace Scene
While most scenes focus on customer service underperformance, this one focuses on overperformance. It shows that the quality of service depends on the fit with the customer.
Falling Down – I want breakfast
One of my favorite movies. The protagonist surely overreacts in the scene... but it does accurately characterize the inflexibility and inhumanness with which some companies treat their customers.
IT Crowd – Robotic Support
A classic sitcom for those in tech support. This scene reminds us of the dangers of the uncanny valley , and the risks of outsourcing your support department.
Little Britain – Computer Says No
I'm not particularly fond of British humor, but Little Britain is gold.
The Office – Customer Service Script
A classic from The Office U.S., showing how the practice of customer service scripts can ruin your authenticity.
Bridesmaids – The Longest Argument (NSFW)
Probably my favorite chick flick after Mean Girls . This scene is a bit rough around the edges, but is too good to leave out. It also offers a clear take-away: never get in an argument with a customer. Those that want to argue will likely be better at it than you.
Customer service training videos
I'm not too enthusiastic about most free training videos out there. That's why we started working on higher quality training video courses ourselves.
But when you boil down customer service to its essentials, you’re mostly looking at communication skills and techniques . That's why most of the videos I selected here revolve around that area.

Userlike: Instant chats, long-term customer relationships
Over 10,000 companies like Toyota and Hermes trust Userlike to connect with their customers every day - via website chat, WhatsApp, chatbots and more.
Learn more
TEDxMontaVistaHighSchool – Think Fast. Talk Smart.
Matt Abrahams' framework of Approach, Audience, Context, and Structure is mightily helpful for sharpening your messages. I use his specific structure tips on a daily basis as well.
How To Improve Communication Skills
This video shares some unique and helpful tips for conducting meaningful conversations.
- Be efficient in your speech
- Use pauses to emphasize
- Use conversational threading
- Use statements instead of questions
TEDxMaastricht – Hostmanship: the art of making people feel welcome
Jan Gunnarsson explains that in the service industry it isn't so much about providing service, but about making people feel welcome — about having a welcoming mindset.
TED – Your body language shapes who you are
This TED talk explains how you can adjust your mindset by adjusting your body posture. This will help you in teaching the right mindset for the different customer service scenarios you might encounter.
TED – How to speak so that people want to listen
Julian Treasure is a communication expert, and in this TED talk he shares some powerful tips that will make you a better talker.
TED – 5 ways to listen better
Another TED talk by Julian Treasure, this time focusing on the listening during conversations. After explaining the societal problem of a diminishing ability for listening, he offers 5 tips to improve your skills:
- Silence
- The mixer
- Savoring
- Listening positions
Leaders on customer service
Steve Jobs – Customer Experience First. Technology Second
Steve Jobs gets a tough question, and replies by sharing his vision on customer experience.
Richard Branson – Customer Service Secrets
Richard Branson shares his views on customer service and experience, the aspects that have made Virgin great.
Vineet Nayar – Employees first, customers second
Former CEO of HCL Technologies shares his view on putting the employees before the customers in order to create a superior customer experience.