Outsource your live chats to Octopodo GmbH!
One of the main issues with integrating a live chat function is the human resources that are required to answer the chats. Some companies don’t have any customer support team in place, others are afraid that adding live chat to their tasks will bring too much disturbance to their operations.
To lighten this problem as much as possible, we’ve decided to engage in strategic partnerships with quality contact centres that can take over the chat function for our customers.
We now proudly present Octopodo GmbH as our first strategic contact partner. Octopodo GmbH is located in Essen, Germany, and with their long experience as a dialogue marketing service provider they are fully qualified to take over the chat operations from our German customers.
If you are interested in their services, just ask them or us on either of our chats!
Yours truly,
The Userlike Team