Tailor your Userlike Experience
It has been a busy week full of interesting developments, which together have greatly extended the possibilities and functionality of your Userlike Live-Chat. We gave our Dashboard a face-lift, providing it with a better look, extended functionalities, and more tutorials on website integration for e-commerce platforms.
Widget and operator group
Two interrelated features will receive special attention today: the Widget Creator and the Operator Group function. The reason that these features are interrelated is because, when creating a widget, it has to be connected to a specific group.
Let’s explain by starting with the Operator Group function. In the previous post we told you that we made it possible to add up to 5 operators, and when adding these they would come in the Default Group. Now we’ve made it possible to add more groups and segment these operators by specific function, like sales, customer service, language, etc. First you create your group(s), to which you can add operators when you’re adding new ones or editing existing ones.
You’ll recognize the value of this when combining it with the widget creator.
Where until now you could only implement one Default Widget type across your entire website, now it is possible to create multiple widgets, which’ properties can be customized to fit the pages on which you choose to place them. Before going into what properties can be customized and how, we want you to understand that when creating a widget, it has to be connected to a specific operator group. The operators in this group will be the ones to whom the incoming chats of this widget are guided to. The only time that these chats are routed to operators in another group is when none of the operators in the designated group are available.
Multiple aspects of the widget can be customized. Firstly, you can choose between English, German and Dutch as the languages in your widget. We’ll continuously be expanding the number of languages. Secondly, your chat button is customizable in three ways: you can choose its color (blue or green), text, and its position on your screen. Thirdly, it is now also possible to choose between a ‘proactive’ and a ‘user-initiated’ setting. So far the default widget was set on proactive, in which state a website visitor is invited to a chat after he has been on a page for more than 20 seconds. Now you can also choose to disable this proactive mode and leave the choice to chat entirely to your website visitors. If you choose the proactive mode you can now set the time it takes before a chat window appears for your visitors. Also, if you put your widget on proactive mode, you can further tune it to ‘active’ or ‘passive’ mode. ‘Active’ means that your operator is connected to the chat at the moment a proactive chat window opens on a website visitor. ‘Passive’ means that your operator is only connected to the chat at the moment a website visitor responds to a proactive chat invitation.
How many groups and different widgets you can create after the Beta will depend on your plan, right now it is 3 groups and 3 widgets for the Beta testers.
Play around with these new features, we’ll be back to you soon!
Yours truly,
The Userlike Team