The 10 eCommerce Influencers you should be Following
Staying up to date with the latest and most important developments is of upmost importance to succeed in a fast moving field as the ecommerce industry. After the positive response on our customer service influencers post , we bring you a list of the most interesting people to follow in ecommerce.
Hit the 'Follow' button for these 10 eCommerce Superstars, everyday people who devoted their lives to develop the world of online commerce and revolutionize its standards everyday. Harness their tips and insights to boost your business.

Klout Score:
Main Topics:
#SEO, #Google, #Social Media, #Facebook, #Marketing
Twitter Followers:
376 K
Special Achievements:
Founder and Editor in Chief of Search Engine Land, author of the book A Webmaster’s guide To Search Engines
Short Bio: Sullivan is a proactive entrepreneur who worked as a reporter for BBC, Los Angeles Times and The Orange County Register. His entrance into technology started with co-founding the website Maximized Online and later the Search Engine Watch (referred by Matt Cutts as a “must-read”). Recently Sullivan founded the Search Engine Land which attracts nearly 15% of world’s market for advertising.

Klout Score:
Main Topics:
#Marketing, #Analytics, #Social Media, #SEO, #Technology
Twitter Followers
: 42.7 K
Special Achievements:
Writer of the books Call to Action, Waiting for your cat to bark? and Always be Testing.
Short Bio: Bryan is a relevant authority and pioneer in the world of online marketing. During his career he has improved sales, online conversion, leads, engagement and others for companies as Google, HP, NBC, GE, Dell and many others. Eisenberg is also known for his thought leadership and by a strong role in developing the grounds for this market by founding many projects among which the Digital Analytics Association.

Klout Score
: 83
Main Topics:
#Books, #Business, #Entrepreneurship
Twitter Followers:
486 K
Special Achievements:
Writer of the worldwide bestseller The 4-Hour Workweek, Tim has already been featured by more than 100 media outlets including The New York Times, The Economist, Late Night by Jimmy Fallon and so many others that wouldn’t fit on this post.
Short Bio: Tim Ferris is an incredible individual, an expert in the field of digital entrepreneurship and above all a lifestyle seeker. At the moment Tim Ferris is a well-known speaker, business angel and writer however the things he likes the most being known for include the fact that he was a national chinese kickboxing champion, the fact that he holds a Guinness World Record in tango, the fact that he was an MTV Breakdancer in Taiwan, the fact that he speaks 5 languages and many others. Dare yourself to follow him.

Klout Score:
Main Topics:
#Business, #Entrepreneurship, #Design, #Books
Twitter Followers:
380 K
Short Bio: Tina Eisenberg is a designer from Switzerland living in New York. Her rich past experience in design is shown by her portfolio working with top-notch companies such as Thinkmap and Visual Thesaurus. Tina is also the founder of many successful projects such as Swiss Miss Design Blog, Creative Mornings, TeuxDeux, and the famous designy temporary tattoo online shop Tattly. Tina is a successful entrepreneur and her posts and tweets are a rich source of daily inspiration.

Klout Score
: 61
Main Topics:
#Books, #Business, #Ecommerce
Twitter Followers:
14 K
Special Achievements:
Associate Editor for Fast Company
Short Bio: Sarah is currently an associate editor for Fast Company where she covers technology companies. Also known as the “start-ups” reporter Sarah’s content production for Mashable is worldwide known and her pieces are extremely innovative. Her past experience as a writer started when she was 16 and her career, apart from covering technology, also includes education, activism and social media.

Klout Score:
Main Topics:
#Marketing, #SEO, #Technology
Twitter Followers:
Special Achievements:
Author of Ultimate Guide to Dropshipping
Short Bio: Mark is graduated from Carleton University and since young age has been passionate about technology and llifestyle. Mark used to be a journalist but is now Head of Communications for Shopify - one of world’s largest shopping cart softwares. Among others he runs the influential Shopify Blog , also referred to as the 'eCommerce University'. He is widely known for its expertise in eCommerce and hot sauce.

Klout Score:
Main Topics:
#Business, #Blogging, #Entrepreneurship, #Technology
Twitter Followers:
13.8 K
TropicalMBA Podcast
Short Bio: If you want to find someone to follow who started his business straight from nothing to a multi-million dollar company and that, even today, struggles to help bootstrapping entrepreneurs, Dan Andrews is your guy. Currently Dan and his partner Ian share a special interest to live their lives the best way possible and they are out there ready to help you doing the same.

Klout Score:
Main Topics:
#Technology, #Business, #B2B, #Amazon
Twitter Followers:
Special Achievements:
Former Vice President at Forrester Research
Short Bio: Brian Walker is a leading expert in eCommerce platforms, multichannel commerce, marketing technology and mCommerce. Brian added an important contribution with his digital expertise to several companies as Amazon and SAP. Currently working for Hybris Software - a top-rated eCommerce software and omni-channel solution to support enterprises on their global expansion with innovative services and tools.

Klout Score:
Main Topics:
#Social Media, #E-Commerce, #Stock Market
Twitter Followers:
Special Achievements:
Vice-President of Marketing for 1-800-Pack-Rat
Short Bio: Josh is an expert for eMarketing and Social media with experience in companies as Shop.org and the Discovery Channel online Store. Josh is very aware of market trends as well as happenings and has a close relation with many other gurus. If you would like to have a real-time awareness of what’s happening in the marketing and eCommerce market then you should be following Josh Green.

Klout Score:
Main Topics:
#Business, #Blogging, #Books, #Marketing, #Entrepreneurship
Twitter Followers:
Special Achievements:
Being a dad
Short Bio: Steve Chou and his wife are self-taught eCommerce entrepreneurs that quickly achieved their way to online success. On their blog Steve shares the basic principles of online store entrepreneurship, what it takes to become a full-time employer of your own online shop and how you too can replicate their success. Check it out!

Klout Score:
Main Topics:
#E-Commerce, #Content Marketing, #Business, #Entrepreneurship
Twitter Followers:
Short Bio: Drew Sanocki is now a full-time writer in the fields of digital marketing and eCommerce retail. However during his career, Drew became what he self-called an “online retail veteran”. Through his life he created several companies mostly dedicated to outsource marketing and consultancy services.Today, Drew spends his days by advising eCommerce executives on achieving growth.

Klout Score:
Main Topics:
#Marketing, #SEO, #Business, #Social Media
Twitter Followers
: 8.639
Special Achievements:
Linda has made Get Elastic into #1 eCommerce Blog with daily readership of over 20.000 and was previously awarded one of the best 30 direct marketers under 30 from DMNews.
Short Bio: Linda Bustos is Director of Ecommerce Research at Elastic Path, is the author of the Get Elastic eCommerce Blog and provides consulting services. Linda is also a frequent speaker with expertise insights in eCommerce for many industry events such as Shop.org, XCommerce and many others.

Klout Score:
Main Topics:
#SEO, #Marketing, #Entrepreneurship, #Business
Twitter Followers:
Special Achievements:
Owner of several online platforms and one of the world’s most relevant bloggers for e-Commerce. Writer of Profitable eCommerce
E-Commerce Fuel
Short Bio: Andrew is an e-Commerce entrepreneur who built a number of successful online businesses with a unique vision, which he gained during all his trips to world’s most furtherst secrets. After some years of bootstrapping and epical learning Andrew started the well-known blog e-Commerce Fuel, designed to help entrepreneurs and small teams developing their own online shops. He is also a regular contributor to several other blogs, such as Shopify's .
All these influencers constantly update their blogs or tweet about smart choices and approaches to benefit your customer’s experience with your company. By following them you’ll soon be immersed in the sea of best practices which will open opportunities for your company and yourself.