The iAdvize Alternative by Userlike
Userlike is an alternative to iAdvize from Germany. Userlike is used by companies from all sizes , from small startups to large enterprises.
1. Professional Design and Intuitive Navigation
Userlike is live chat software designed for company websites that require professional lean design. Every element, button and layout from Userlike has been carefully designed under the scope of two main criteria: harmony and efficiency. With a deep focus on providing an intuitive navigation, the development of Userlike software was done placing the interaction between the service operator and the final customer in the centre of everything. Only by doing so we can assure you that your support team has access to an effortless tested solution, where responding quickly and efficiently to your customer needs is the main priority.

2. A Solution for All
Userlike is an affordable solution for both small, medium sized and larger companies. You can test Userlike's alternative to iAdvize at anytime, no credit card needed. Also, our easy-to-install service and few-steps customisation process assures that everyone is able to have their live chat running in no-time.

We offer everyone a useful set of tutorials available 24-7 alongside full availability through the chat or e-mail during our office hours. The best we can do to make sure you receive all the answers to your questions no matter where you’re from or what size your business is.
3. Powerful Features to Develop your Business
Yet not only in design does Userlike prove its excellency. We are ambitious developers always looking for new features to improve your service and boost your business. Userlike promises to respond to three main business needs: boost your customer satisfaction, increase your website conversion rate, and lower your service costs. If you too are looking for a way to improve one or many of these areas, then take a look at some of our unique features, especially developed for you.
3.1 Extended customisation of your live chat widget
Directly from our widget editor every website manager can customise extensively the widgets on use. From the layout to wording or behaviour of your widget, everything can be adapted to better fit your website style.

Directly from the widget editor you can set up timing for proactive chats. Enabling the proactive mode will automatically trigger a chat with your website visitor after a certain time spent on each page, offering your support service to those who seem to be having more problems.
If you want to go further with customising the way you interact with your website visitors you have at your disposal, our Remote API lets you set up advanced chat behaviour such as other proactive chat rules. With our Javascript API you can set up all the information you need to collect from your website visitors.
3.2 Intelligent Routing System
Userlike live chat software believes in the power of intelligent routing of the chats to ensure highest efficiency delivered in your support.

To do so, we don’t take out queues neither allow for support waiting line. Our intelligent routing system guides incoming chats instantaneously to available operators according to some rules from visitor’s past experience, to operator group, such as language or department.
3.3 Highest standards in Data Privacy and Security
Userlike is developed in Germany and it's an European based company. We are aware of constant pressures in data privacy and security concerns among European communities and we make sure to support our customers in complying with all of them.
The importance of preserving information is part of our core values, which is is why we keep up with the highest standards in safety of information, whether your own or your customers’ information database. If you want to know more about our data privacy principles, feel free to take a look at our Privacy Policy Statement .

3.4 User Friendly System
As pointed out above, Userlike's alternative to iAdvize is a user friendly software. The importance of designing a lean platform relies on its ability to improve your overall efficiency. With a tested combination of buttons, options, commands and actions every operator has quick access to all Userlike’s features at a distance of a click.

3.5 Integration with your Support Software
Userlike is 100% integrated with the most popular service software. Our integrations assure that all your chats and offline messages are appropriately labelled and organised in your familiar platform, CRM or Helpdesk.
Never miss a lead or a support contact ever again by taking the most of our integration developments. Also, if you would like to integrate manually Userlike with your own system you are always able to do so with our API.
3.6 Ease of Replication
Userlike widgets are easy to replicate all over your pages and domains. There is no limit for Userlike, the iAdvize alternative, when it comes to domain destinations of each widget. By copy and pasting a one line html code into your website or using any of our integration plugins, installing Userlike live chat software into your website has never been easier. Even if you are building your Unbounce landing page.
Simultaneously, Userlike allows you to enable wildcard cookies assuring your chats keep running even when customers change between different subdomains of your website.
3.7 Multi-Language Widgets
We know support comes in different shapes, languages and purposes. People who visit your website may come from anywhere in the world and therefore if you offer multi-language service you should know that Userlike offers the possibility to edit multi-widgets for different languages.
Similarly, you can offer your visitors differentiated support by department (IT, sales, support) or any other criteria relevant to your business.

You can try out Userlike live chat without any commitment today. With only a few minutes of configuration needed you can try out how good does this iAdvize alternative solution work for your business.
Unlike the French solution iAdvize, you can try out today any of Userlike plans for free, no credit card needed.