Whats New: Skill-based Routing
Before we're all driving home for Christmas, let's take a look at a hot new feature: Skills!
Your chat routing logic determines with which Operator your customers get in touch with, so it has a big impact on the speed and quality of their chat experience. Our default routing method brings your Widget online when an Operator of a connected Operator Group comes online. Our Group Select feature lets your customers select the Operator Group that they wish to chat with. Now you have another option: Skill-based Routing .
With this, you define Skills and connect them to your Chat Widgets and Operators. So when your customer starts a chat through a specific Widget, it's guided to one of your Operators based on a Skills match of your Widgets and Operators.
To start off, head to the Userlike Dashboard and select Config > Skills . Here you create skills that define the abilities, languages, and topics that your Operators are able to service. Next, you assign them to your Support Team. To do this, head to Config > Operators , then select an Operator to edit. After selecting an Operator, click on the Skills tab. Here you can select the skills of this Operator, and update its Operator settings. To set your Widget to Skill-based Routing, head to the Config > Widgets . Select your widget, then Chat > Routing . After selecting the Skills option, you can select each skill you wish to connect to this Widget. After updating your settings, your Widget will load when an Operator with one or more Skill Sets goes online within the Chat Panel.
To make getting started with Skills easier, we've put together a handy tutorial for you to follow. Take a look at our Chat Routing Setup Tutorial !
Skill-based Routing is available to customers beginning on our Business Product.
Thanks for reading, and happy chatting!