App of the Year Awards: Vote for Userlike!
The Userlike App has been nominated as the SEOshop app of the year ! We are currently on 2nd place. To support us in kicking off MyAbandonedCart from place Nr. 1, go to this page .

Anyone with a Facebook account can vote. You can simply go to to the SEOshop App Award page and scroll down to Userlike Live Chat. Click on the upper right white box to leave your vote.

We’ve had Userlike in the SEOshop App Store since June 2014 and we’re happy for the positive feedback we’ve received. Our user base from SEOshop is growing every month, helping us expand our presence in the Netherlands.
Winning the App of the Year award would be a great ending for 2014 and nice boost into the new year. Speaking of which, we wish you a warm Christmas Holiday with family and friends and a Gute Rutsch into the new year!