The Live Chat Integration with GitHub is here!
We are proud to let you know that we’ve finished developing an integration that allows you to convert chats and offline messages left by your visitors into Github issues. We expect this integration to be popular among our software development customers, as you can now integrate detailed customer bug reports into your development process.
Github is a world famous web-based hosting service for software development projects. The system is team-based and has strong focus on empowering communication to increase overall efficiency and process quality.
Customers have diversified experiences with products and websites and can always run into bugs. Bug reports from your visitors and users should be registered and closely assessed. Now all you need to do to send current chats to Github is simply typing $github in your chat panel. You can also click on the button “Send to Github” in your offline message or chat transcript sections.

If you would like to know more information about how to set up your Gitub integration, you can go through our tutorial .