Userlike's 2015 Company Retreat to Vlissingen
In September the Userlike team made a trip to Vlissingen, the Netherlands. We spent a weekend in an amazing watertower. A good time for team-building, brainstorming, good food and geocaching. Here's an impression.

That's where we spent the weekend. The upper area for brainstorms and lightning talks, the bottom for dinner, drinks and fun.

The team together.

Pictures cannot capture how awesome this place was. Top of the tower panorama view.

In the upper tower meeting room. Phil doing a lightning talk about machine learning.

Lucky for us, David is almost as skilled in cooking as he is in programming.

Dinner time.

Post-food drinks and games.

After some drinks Peter tells stories about his violent past.

After some more drinks: midnight geocaching.

Next day it's back to top-notch strategizing.

Vlissingen, such a lovely town.

We had a great time. Thanks team.